Saturday, July 31, 2010

Getaway With Twing²

I always love your compositions Sho and surprisingly while processing the photos most of your shots were perfectly exposed. The histogram can tell. I'm mighty proud of you. I'm kindda excited of your first wedding cover. I'm pretty sure you'll take good photos with Chimboro. ♥

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Depth Of Field

Trying depth of field with this perfume bottle. I'm loving my lens. Sho you can bring this on your first wedding cover! ♥

Friday, July 16, 2010

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Twing's Hand-Me-Downs

Taken right after school. Toys are always toys whether they're new or hand-me-downs. They still give delight to kids of Twing's age. ♥

Friday, July 9, 2010

Chimboro's New Toy

After 5 months of depriving myself from impulsive buying, I finally have my first prime lens. It's a Nikkor AF-S DX 35 mm 1 : 1.8 G From this moment on I will be posting photos captured by this piece of technology. I can't wait to play this toy with you babe. I'm pretty sure you're gonna love this so much. I will still take pride in posting your shots babe. I'm your no. 1 fan! ♥

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Dinner In Bed

Grilled Rodeo Chops with cranberry sauce and Boomerang Shrimps. The dishes weren't warm anymore but that was one of the best moments I had with you. Our first dinner in bed. I'm surprised that you were able to demonstrate depth of field well. ♥

Pure Talent

Our monthly Thursday getaways had always been exciting. I never thought that you would take interest in exploring Chimboro's buttons and dials. You left me dumbfounded. Your shots were great babe! Your compositions were good! I take pride in posting them in this blog. It's all in your hands. Yours is pure talent. It's not the cam but the hands. Your hands though small they fit to mine. Keep up the good work. We'll go around to practice one of these days. Hey! We're gonna get that camera. ♥