Sunday, June 12, 2011


I've been cranky for quiet some time now. I've realized that I was being too much on my rantings about my work and my schedule. I've been preoccupied of not having enough rest. Not having much quality time with you. The time where I could open up but I still don't know until when my work's going to haunt me? This is only this week. I was pissed off of not having the sought-after 2-10 PM shift where I wouldn't care to have sleepless nights talking with you over the fone and go to work the next day at 2PM and do the same ritual after work. Forgive me. Forgive me for the things I have said to you. Drained and tired—I have reached my breaking point. I called coz I wanna connect with you. I just don't understand what went wrong really... Forgive me. I love you. ♥

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Tonterias Gala Night

Gala tonteria with my tonto friends at Bigby's a.k.a. balikbayan slash Dov's 'birthday' bash. LOL. After 14 years and still together. Forever. ♥

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Gazpacho Andaluz

¡Qué sabrosa la sopa! Muchisimas gracias por compartir la receta. My first attempt of preparing Gazpacho or cold tomato soup without the cucumber. I'm gonna make another one later. This time with the pepino.