Sunday, November 28, 2010

Macro Test

Too impatient to wait for a praying mantis to display its death stance on this hedgehog-like bloom from our backyard. I'm trying out Chimboro's new toy. At 200 mm, I couldn't care any less of its scale but the lens' magnification. It lack the vibration reduction feature but the price was a good deal for a lens. I just pulled out a new camera bag from the cupboard. Thanks Cuz but recently, I've realized that I needed more space to fit them all in one. =p

Friday, November 26, 2010

Random Shots 1

We thought of a theme for that day and it was about stuffs you usually see on the road. But I didn't see anything. Urgh. The weather turned out bad so we ended up strolling around the parched pavements of a certain sports center nearby. I was desperate to shoot something for my post. Chimboro and I were running out of time. I frowned and looked at the unforgiving skies. I dropped my lens cap and stared at this little foliage coming out of the crack. I lounged and focused. Chimboro gave his mechanical flick. I rose with dirt on my hands. 2 shots ha. Tsk. Sige lang... We went home and reviewed the shots we took. It was amazing to realize that even the cracks along the parched pavements are now teeming with life. Philosophical I guess. I smiled.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Día de Todos los Santos

Lo que hemos hecho por los demás y el mundo permanece y es inmortal.
What we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.
Celebrating life with family at Greenhills with the earthly remains of our beloved Tatay Iko. Nunca te olvidaremos Tay. ♥

Monday, November 1, 2010

Never For Someone Else

It's All Saints Day! Good Morning everyone... Ugh my eyes hurt